
Now they want
something deadly
or ugly.

In the past a small canary
would suffice.

Now if you don't want me to die
fetch me dear a crocodile.

Fasting, silence - that's easy.
She won't guard me all along.
But a crocodile's a serious matter.

For the devil, not for me!
- What?
- Nothing.

Here - keep silent.
- You know?
- I know.

I know? I know nothing.
Is he staying, is he leaving?

All I do know is that
this is gold, but I may get

a very different kind of payment
from Cupbearer's sword.

And if I cheat Waclaw
he will blow my head off

but the Cupbearer
might do the same anyway.

So I know and I know nothing -
a true Devil's bargain:

A bullet here,
and a saber there.

As a wise man once said:
"Happy who has".

You're right on time
my dear son.

Let's talk.
Your favors, though rare,
are a precious gift.

I have been pleading
with his Majesty
in your favor

to assure a bright future
for my child.
You are my only hope,
and my enemies are jealous of us.

They seek to divide us and
would take pleasure in my pain,
