Finding Nemo

What's wrong with her?

GURGLE: She wouldn't stop
shaking the bag.

-Poor Chuckles.
-He was her present last year.

BLOAT: Hitched a ride
on the porcelain express.

[Toilet flushes]
[Toilet flushes]
PEACH: She's a fish killer.
l can't go with that girl.
l have to get back
to my dad.

Aah! Daddy! Help me!
Oh, he's stuck.
GlLL: Nobody touch him.
Nobody touch him.
[Nemo grunting]
Can you help me?
No. You got yourself
in there.

No. You got yourself
in there.

You can get yourself out.
-l want to see him do it.

Calm down. Alternate wiggling
your fins and your tail.

l can't. l have a bad fin.
Never stopped me.
[Dramatic music playing]
Just think about
what you need to do.

Come on.
-You did it!

Good squirming.
Ha ha ha!

Wow. From the ocean--
just like you, Gill.

l've seen that look before.

What are you thinking about?
l'm thinking...
tonight, we give the kid
a proper reception.

So, kid,
you got a name or what?

Nemo. l'm Nemo.
Nemo. Nemo.
[Dory snoring]
DORY: Are you gonna eat that?
[Metal creaking]
[Both snoring]
-Careful with that hammer.

[Dramatic music playing]
