La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

we can only move forward.
It's senseless to go back

because how can we explain
what we've done?

It's the definition of fascism.
Why do the military
have to stay in the barracks?

They have the guns. They can't
have the right to speak as well.

These people want both things.
What's being debated isn't
nationalism or non-nationalism.

It's civilization or barbarity.
The so-called democratic nationalism
should have realized that,

and fought with all its means
against that horror.

When someone is assassinated
in this country

a part of what we are
is shattered.

Journalist, editor and writer
There is a line of thought
that only the nationalist
extreme left-wing

can obtain a total liberation
of the Basque Country.

When a society accepts that, given
there are political problems,...

It's pathological.
violence is justified,
it's impossible to make thatjump
without first suffering
a moral collapse.

It's as if the intelligence
were confused by patriotic emotion.

It isn't true that
ETA is the only conflict.

Even if ETA didn't exist,
and in fact before ETA existed,

there was conflict.
Perhaps terrorism is a product
of those unresolved questions.

Euskal Herria is the name used
to encompass the 7 provinces,
3 in France,
and the 4 in Spain which are
the 3 in the Autonomous Basque
Community, or Euskadi,

and Navarre,
which has its own autonomy.
Historian and writer
Secretary General of
the Union of the People of Navarre

