La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

The only thing I can do
is offer him this support,

go and visit him.
He said: "Then I'm going
to kill them", and I told him:

"Thinking someone is bad
is no reason to kill him.

You could be wrong".
40 minutes in a little cubicle,
where you can't hear anything,
you aren't comfortable.

He never asked me how
he was killed. A friend told him.

She said that they'd put a bomb
in his father's car.

He always thought
that they'd shot him.

Secretary General
of the Euskadi Socialist Party

Former Minister of Industry
for PSOE.

Former President
of the Euskadi Socialist Party

"Father" of
the Spanish Constitution

There has been an understanding
between socialists and nationalists

since the days of the republic,
and then, during the transition,
there were socialist-nationalist
coalition governments.

I think it was a very good period
as regards cooperation
and the easing of many tensions.

The basis of the Statute of Autonomy
was developed then,

under the Socialist government
which came into power in 1982.

The Socialist Party
had a majority

but it handed the government
over to the nationalists.

We need to go back
to what were

maybe not good days
but certainly were better days.

When Felipe González left...
He learned some hard lessons
and suffered with this phenomenon,

so he decided to begin talks.
He went to Algiers.

I don't know
why that didn't work out.

But when Felipe González left
he'd opened a door to ETA

for creating an area of dialogue.
