Atomik Circus - Le retour de James Bataille

You sure picked your day.
There'll be some racket tonight.

Don't worry about it.
Noise never kept me awake.

I listen to bullshit all day long.
That's my business.

Let me introduce myself...
Schitz. Alan Schitz.
Latin American music's my specialty.

I'll be damned! An impresario?
And a man of taste.
My compliments on your efforts.

It's rare to find places so refined...
and elegant in a jerkwater...
in a region like this!

I quite agree.
You must've heard
about my little festival.

- That's just why I'm here. The Cow Pie Fes.
- Tival.

- Say what?
- The Cow-Pie Festival.

- I'm the one who...
- Shut up and get lost!

To tell the truth,
I'm here for a reason.

I'm looking for a young singer
who's extremely talented,

and in whom I intend
to invest a large sum of money.

I can never remember her name.
What is it?
Cunt... Conshit... Conchili...

- Consia!
- That's it! Know her?

- She's my daughter!
- No!

I swear to God!
- What a coincidence!
- Indeed!

Now that you say so,
there's something in your face.

I bet she's booked solid...
Not at all! She's on tonight.
- Where?
- Here, in my cabaret.

Jack, go fetch me the keys.
I'll send Consia up once she's back.
Listen, Mr. Grosco, thanks a lot.
I'll go freshen up and see you later.
Sure, Alan...
You don't mind if I call you Alan?

Best buddies, sure.
Fine, Alan, have a nice shower
and I'll send a meal up to you.

Good ole Alan!
