Chasing Liberty

When l researched the Love Parade,
l read about this girl from Cleveland...

...who made it on 2 bucks.
She sold her poetry along the way.

By the time she got there,
she made $ 1 00,000.

-l read it on the lnternet.

On the lnternet,
Elvis is the conductor on the Orient Express.

-l have this theory.
-Great, another theory. Hit me.

lf something's meant to happen, it will.
-That's a short one.
-No time. Thank you.

-You're killing me.

All right, we got them.
The tracks are this way.
Hurry. Hurry. Which one is it?
-Probably the green one.
-Thank you.

Sir? Excuse me. Can you tell me
which train goes to Berlin?

-That one.
-Thank you.

Berlin, over there.

-Why is it l find that highly unlikely?
-You have a little thing for me.

l'll stop you there. l do not have
a thing for you. Little or otherwise.

Why did you get on the train
with me to Berlin, then?

Okay, you know what? You're right.
l'm attracted to exhibitionist runaways.
lt's an addiction.

l was in a program where we had to
spend time with fully clothed homebodies...

...but l've relapsed again.
