
-When did you get to town?
-Oh, I got in last night.

Are you all right?
I hardly recognized your voice.

I know, I'm--
I just got over something.

-But I'm not contagious, don't worry.
-You came to visit me?

You'll be mad. I'm with a friend.
We were visiting somebody nearby...

...and my rental car broke down.
-The rental car?

It's one of those Cooper MlNls.
Seen those?

-A what?
-It's no bigger than your toaster.

It's so cute, you'll love it.
Guess what color it is. Guess.

-No. I wanted turquoise.

They gave me a blue one.
Cobalt, they call it.

Anyway, the guy is coming to tow
the car back to the rental place...

...and I don't have any money
to give him. I left my wallet at the hotel.

How could you go out
without your wallet?

I know. You know me, so stupid.
I am so sorry. This is so embarrassing.
But if you have just $ 100,
it would be a huge help.

I'll go back to the hotel, switch the car
and come back with the money.

It'll take 15 minutes.
Are you there?
If Jerald ever found out about this,
he would absolutely flip.

I don't think we should tell Jerald.
Can 't you come up for a minute?
I can't. I have to wait with the car.
But I'm with my friend.
If you could give him the money--

His name is Brian.
He's really nice. He's Spanish.

-Oh, okay.

-I'm coming down.

It's okay to leave it with your friend?
Oh, yeah. He's real nice.
He's a friend from school.

Grandma, the tow truck is coming.
I gotta go. I have to go.

-She gave me 200.

And she said you should
give this back to your mother.

Why don't you keep it?
Got a girlfriend? Give it to her.
