The Assassination of Richard Nixon

I know it was important to you, Sam.
I want to thank you for the sacrifice.

I think it was a good decision.
Now you can smile.

You look like a family man instead of
some schmuck with a pussy on his face.

- Marty?
- Yes.

Get up to the spic's place
and get me an egg salad...

and whatever else you want.
Is independence too much to ask,
Mr. Bernstein?

I mean, you're your own boss, right?
You don't have any idea what it's like
to work for somebody else...

like some kind of a slave.
But I'm telling you,
slavery never really ended in this country.

They just gave it another name. Employee.
Remember power is a state of mind.
You have as much as you think you have.
If you don't think you have any, you don't.
Talk about yourself as you see yourself...
and someday that will be yourself.
The salesman must see himself as a winner.
Say it along with me.
I'm not sure I understand this business
about the school bus.

That's just it. The bus is the business.
It's a movable store.
- A movable tire store?
- Exactly.

You see, we take out all of the seats,
just gut the whole bus...

and put the tires. Fill it up with the tires.
Then you bring the tires to the customer,
at his convenience.
