The 40 Year Old Virgin

You got any plans
later on tonight?

Why, do we have to unload
the Sony truck?

No, the guys
are getting together,
we're playing some poker...

thought, you know,
you'd wanna play.

With you guys?
Yeah, sure.
That would be cool.

You know how to play, right?
Yeah, I play online sometimes.

We're gonna play
in the store.

Are we allowed
to do that?

Absolutely not.

Well, so I'm gonna
go tell Paula.

I'm just kidding.
I'm kidding.
That sounds great. Cool,
I'll see you guys tonight.

All right.


I almost feel guilty.
No, you don't.

Going down!
Going down!
And a full house.
Oh, my dukes!

How much fucking online poker
do you play, dawg?

For like an hour or two
a night, when I'm not
playing Halo.

Why did you invite this guy?
He's a fucking ringer, man.

This is hog shit.
You, you're a fucking asshole
to tell me to come here.

You tell me he was a nice guy,
didn't you?

Well, fuck you people,
and fuck you, you and you...

fuck and kiss my big brown
fucking ass, okay?

I'm gonna see you tomorrow.

All right, man.

Fuck a goat.

[All laughing]
Good night.
I love that guy.

Dude, you totally...
Oh, shit, I gotta go. Damn.

About to go see Ellen
in a little bit.

Going now?
Late-night action, huh?

Dude, you know
how it goes.

Does your girlfriend know
about all these
late-night visits?

It's like an unspoken
agreement. Yeah.

It's like a completely
and utterly unspoken

If you knew her, if you knew
who I was dealing with...

you wouldn't be
saying this shit.

There's nothing you can't do
with this woman...

straight up and down.
I've done
every single thing...

I could possibly create.
I've literally lubed up...

and made love to the arches
of her feet. All right.
