Dead Man Walking

No me lo puedo creer.
I can't believe I failed it.
Tendrías que ser un robot
o un loco para no estar estresado.

You'd have to be a robot or insane
not to feel stress now.

No puedo creer
que no me saliera bien la prueba.

I can't believe that test
didn't come out right.

Hablemos de lo que pasó.
Hablemos de aquella noche.

Let's talk about what happened.
Let's talk about that night.

No quiero hablar de eso.
I don't wanna talk about that.
- Salid del coche.
- Eh, eres un bomboncito.

- Get outta the car.
- Hey, you're a pretty bunny.

Esto es propiedad privada.
You're trespassing.
This is private property.

- Vámonos.
- Quedáis detenidos. Salid del coche.

- Let's go.
- You're under arrest. Step outta the car.

Ya nos vamos. No sabíamos...
We'll just leave. We didn't know...
¡Salid del coche!
Get outta the car!
- ¿Adónde vamos?
- Hay un pequeño bar por aquí.

- Where are we going?
- There's a little bar back here.

- Nuestro jefe está en el bar.
- Habéis sido malos.

- Our boss is in the bar.
- We can't let you go. You been bad.

- Nuestro jefe se va a cabrear.
- Igual os deja marchar.

- Our boss is gonna be pissed.
- Maybe he'll let you go.

Ya hemos llegado. Éste es el bar.
Well, here we are. This is the bar.
- ¿Queréis algo de beber?
- Arrodíllate.

- Can we get you a drink?
- Kneel down.

Estoy cabreado.
I'm pissed off!
Cabreado con esos chicos, cabreado
con sus padres por venir a verme morir,

Pissed off at them kids. Pissed off
at their parents comin' to see me die.

y conmigo por dejar que Vitello lo hiciera.
Pissed off at myself
for lettin' Vitello do it.

Ya sé mis últimas palabras
a los Percy y a los Delacroix.

I got my last words. I know what to say
to the Percys and the Delacroixs.

- ¿Serán palabras de odio?
- ¡Clyde Percy quiere pincharme él!

- Your last words will be words of hatred?
- Clyde Percy wants to inject me hisself!

Piensa en lo enfadado
que tiene que estar.

Think of how angry he must be.
Nunca más verá a su hija.
No la abrazará, ni se reirá con ella.

He's never gonna see his daughter again.
Never hold her, love her, laugh with her.

Les has quitado tanto a esos padres.
Sólo les queda dolor, ni una alegría.

You've robbed these parents of so much.
They have nothin' but sorrow. No joy.

Eso es lo que les has dado.
That is what you have given them.
- ¿Cómo se te ocurrió ir al bosque?
- Ya se lo dije. Iba ciego.

- What possessed you to be in the woods?
- I told ya. I was stoned outta my head.

Llevabas semanas acosando a parejas
antes de que sucediera. O meses.

You were harassing couples for weeks
before this happened. Months!
