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"Friday the 13th: A New Beginning" torrent
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Poor Acceptance
– přesměrováno podle Danny Steinmann
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Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning is a slasher film. It was released on March 22, 1985. It is the fifth film in the Friday the 13th film series. In spite of the fact that the previous film claimed to be the "final chapter," this installment set out to live up to its title by being a "new beginning" for the franchise. However, these plans fell through when the film was greeted with backlash from fans who felt deceived and betrayed.
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Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
:01:30 Jdem ho hledat.
Vím, e je nìkde tady.
:01:35 No tak, pojï ho hledat.
Vím, e je tady.
:01:39 - Támhle!
- Víc doprava.
:01:46 To je ono. Tam to je!
:01:48 To je ono. Urèitì!
:01:53 - Je to tady, urèitì.
- Teï toho hajzla rozpáøem!
:01:56 ouknem se na toho hlavního!
:02:05 No tak, hrabej! Jetì hloubìjc!
:02:12 Tak hrabej. Do toho, hrabem!
Jedem, rychlejc! Hrabej!
:02:22 Sekrábni tu hlínu
a otevøem to. To je ono.
:02:27 No tak!
:02:33 No tak.
:02:36 - Zapøi se.
- Posuò ji sem.
:02:41 Poøádnì. No tak.
:02:47 - Do toho, Neile!
- Tak, a u to jde.